Specialized article

Which measurement parameters are important in the industry

About the Author: Sergio Rebullida Valero

March 2, 2022

4 min of reading


In the industry, it is necessary to know which measurement parameters [...]


What measurement parameters are important in the industry?

In industry, it is necessary to know which measurement parameters are important, as these can have serious effects on product quality and production efficiency, as well as on the efficiency and reliability of operations. There are many cases where control over humidity, temperature, particulates and pressure, for example, needs to be carried out.

In particular, in many industrial processes, humidity has a greater influence than it might seem.

Relative humidity (%RH) is the ratio between the amount of water vapor contained in the air (absolute humidity) and the maximum amount that the air would be able to hold at that temperature (absolute saturation humidity). To understand this, nothing better than an example. If I exceed 100% relative humidity (I am exceeding the absolute saturation humidity) and therefore the water vapor condenses and forms water droplets (it is no longer humidity - it is water).

Antonio Fernández, Area Manager at Grupo Álava

To measure humidity in the environment, it is necessary to choose the most suitable measuring instruments , whose calibration must be carried out regularly and according to traceable standards.

what are the applications of moisture measurement in industry?

Humidity is a ratio between the amount of water vapor present and the amount that could be present at a given temperature. Problems at production sites, such as expansion and contraction, and hardening and softening of material, change in liquid viscosity, growth of microbes, increased static electricity, and corrosion and rust, are greatly affected by humidity.

Which measurement parameters are important in the industry

One of the best known applications is in the pharmaceutical sector, specifically in so-called "clean rooms" or "clean rooms". A clean room is a room specifically designed to control contamination. Clean rooms are used in virtually all industries where small particles can adversely affect the manufacturing process and the product.

For clean room manufacturing processes, pharmaceutical companies use state-of-the-art technology and are very rigorous in their quality controls, respecting Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Another sector that is also highly regulated is the agri-food industry. In food processing plants, it is necessary to keep the manufacturing site at or below a certain humidity. This helps restrict the growth of germs and bacteria that can cause food poisoning.

It is applicable to liquid crystal plants and paint plants. It is also applicable to semiconductor and electronics plants, where product generation is changing more and more rapidly and as a result, humidity control in the manufacturing process has become more stringent.

Other applications

Another of the many applications for humidity-measuring sensors is in data centers. They are the brain of almost any company, whose success depends on the efficiency and reliability of software operations. They must be protected against both external and internal environmental influences, and the buildings also need sufficient cooling.

Which measurement parameters are important in the industry

Data center failures can be devastating for both service providers and end users. They are often unmanned, located in remote areas, and expected to operate 99.99% of the year. Therefore, maintaining environmental conditions conducive to computing is critical.

Helps prevent failures caused by intermittency that can result from static discharges when the relative humidity is too low. Electrostatic discharges are more likely to occur and are more difficult to eliminate in areas where the relative humidity is below 35%. And the situation becomes serious when the humidity level is less than 30%.

Antonio Fernández, Area Manager at Grupo Álava

how we can help you measure these parameters

We have an extensive range of measurement, recording and analysis solutions, as well as simulation and calibration of physical quantities. But you will understand that with 50 years of experience in the market, we offer more than just products. We also offer you our capacity for innovation, integration and commitment.

Our greatest strength? Our team, who will advise you on any question related to sensorics.

Our customers trust us for our service, we help with installations, maintenance and advice.

Sergio Rebullida, Business Development in Instrumentation and Calibration

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