New programmable digital driver for displacement probes
October 10, 2011
1 min of reading
Preditec/IRM presents a new concept in displacement probes for [...]
![sonda-de-proximidad-setpoint class="img-responsive](
Preditec/IRM presents a new concept in displacement probes for vibration measurement, the programmable digital driver.
The SETPOINT Digital Proximity System digital driver is an API670-compliant shaft vibration measurement system that is fully programmable to adapt to a large number of existing proximity probes.
For the first time in this type of device, users have the ability to field program their proximity transducer for a wide range of probe diameters, from different manufacturers, with different cable lengths, shaft materials and linear range.
This driver offers compatibility with the well-known Bently Nevada brand proximitors, even with the obsolete models of this brand. SETPOINT DPS is compatible with 3000, 3300, 3300XL, 7200, RAM and NSV series probes and extension cables.
SETPOINT DPS drivers configuration software
The modules are available in a transmitter version (with 4-20 mA output) and with dynamic signal output for two-wire or three-wire probes.
Click here to download the SETPOINT DPS product sheet.