Specialized article

Nanotechnology revolutionizes our lives

About the Author: Antonio Zambrano Márquez

Antonio Zambrano Marquez

January 24, 2023

4 min of reading


Nanotechnology is here to stay... And revolutionize our lives! [...]


Nanotechnology is here to stay... And revolutionize our lives!

Nanotechnology is a very interesting universe. To give you an idea of what we're talking about, a human hair is about 100,000 nanometers wide. Well, nanotechnology involves operating at scales much smaller than that, 100 nanometers or less.
It turns out that at these sizes, materials behave differently, acquiring enhanced physical properties that can be used in the manufacture of innovative, high-performance products. Nanomaterials can be designed to improve strength, flexibility, durability, lubricity and electrical conductivity compared to standard materials, as well as being resistant to numerous environmental conditions, such as glare, moisture, temperature, corrosion and even microbes.

What makes it so interesting?

According to the NNI (National Nanotechnology Initiative), nanotechnology is not simply about working with ever-smaller dimensions, but working at the nanoscale allows scientists to understand and utilize the unique physical, chemical, mechanical and optical properties of materials produced at this scale.
By simply changing the particle size, a scientist can fine-tune a material property of interest and thereby achieve new applications, or improve existing ones.

how do you envision the future of manufacturing with nanotechnology?

Advances in nanotechnology offer new and growing opportunities to synthesize and commercialize new nanoscale materials. These materials are critical to driving advanced manufacturing, improving product performance and creating new and innovative products that improve manufacturing, deliver higher performance at lower cost and greater sustainability.

what are the applications of nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology and nanofabrication are revolutionizing many sectors, such as information technology, defense, medicine, transportation, energy, environmental sciences, telecommunications and electronics. Some of their benefits and applications are:

  • Everyday materials and processes. It is possible to tailor material structures at extremely small scales to achieve specific properties, which greatly expands the materials science toolkit.
  • Electronics and computer applications. It results in faster, smaller and more portable systems that can manage and store increasing amounts of information.
  • Medical and healthcare applications. The application of nanotechnology to medicine takes advantage of the natural scale of biological phenomena to produce precise solutions for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
  • Energy applications. Finding applications in traditional energy sources and greatly improving alternative energy approaches to help meet the world's growing demand for energy. Many scientists are looking for ways to develop clean, affordable and renewable energy sources, along with means to reduce energy consumption and lessen the toxic burden on the environment.
  • Environmental remediation. In addition to helping improve energy efficiency, there are also many ways you can help detect and clean up environmental contaminants. Such as helping to meet the need for affordable, clean drinking water through rapid, low-cost detection and treatment of impurities in water.
  • Benefits for the transportation of the future. It offers the promise of developing multifunctional materials that will help build and maintain lighter, safer, smarter and more efficient vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft and ships.
our grain of sand

We work with market-leading partners implementing innovative and specific technological solutions for both nanomaterial manufacturing and nanocaracterization.
If you want to know more about how we can help you, do not hesitate to contact us! Tell us your story and our team of nanotechnology specialists will help you to find the solution you're looking for 😊

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