Measures established against the coronavirus COVID19
16 March 2020
2 min of reading
Press release from Grupo Álava: Measures established against the COVID19 coronavirus [...]
Press release from Grupo Álava: Measures established against the COVID19 coronavirus
Grupo Álava has established a series of extraordinary measures for all the Group's companies in view of the situation caused by the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID19) with the aim of maintaining the health of our employees, as well as the continuity and sustainability of the business. The measures taken are under the guidelines of the state of alert decreed by the Spanish government and the indications of the WHO, the main ones are:
- I work from our homes as long as our activity allows it.
- Only those trips that are considered indispensable will be undertaken.
- A specific internal communication channel has been created for employees.
- We have implemented strict hygiene and cleanliness measures at our work centers.
- We are maintaining all operations and activities that do not require physical presence using all available telematic means.
- We have replaced face-to-face visits and meetings with videoconferences and have postponed all face-to-face events except those declared critical.
- We have asked all our suppliers for their business continuity plans so that we can ensure supplies and service in a standardized manner.
*Given the circumstances, these measures will be adapted to new needs and/or requirements as they arise.
Grupo Álava is committed to our clients, and for this reason, we have activated the contingency plan that guarantees the performance of all critical activities, with the clear objective of guaranteeing the continuity of our business and with the usual levels of excellence. We have the appropriate technology and the best professional team to be able to continue offering our customers a quality service guaranteeing the highest quality standards. We would also like to show our solidarity to all those affected and their families, as well as to convey our gratitude to all health personnel and all those who are helping to deal with this virus. For any doubt or clarification you can contact us at