The importance of detail in the analysis of modal shapes in operation (ODS)

About the Author: Carmo Guedes

August 20, 2024

1 min of reading


Francisco Sánchez Calculation and Dynamic Testing Engineer Preditec/IRM Download [...]


Francisco Sanchez Calculation and Dynamic Testing Engineer Preditec/IRM

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When faced with problems of high vibration levels in machines or recurrent breakage of machine components, there are dynamic analysis techniques that allow us to know the dynamic deformation patterns of a machine in its usual operating conditions. In this way, and understanding correctly which vibration modes are being excited, we can work on calculation models that allow us to modify some of its parameters in order to guarantee a stable operation of the machine under analysis.

Operational Deflection Shapes analysis consists in the acquisition of vibration spectra from a multitude of points on the machine structure with one or several fixed phase references. The relative motion between them will describe the deformation patterns present in operation.

In many cases, the analyst must understand the dynamic problem he is facing before he even begins to measure. The choice of the measurement points as well as the areas of the structure to pay special attention to for detailed analysis are crucial to the success of the intervention.

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