Grupo Álava's OVERFLY initiative is born

About the Author: María José Serrano

11 April 2024

2 min of reading


We are happy to share with you those advances that position Grupo Álava as a great company, generator of content and multidisciplinary knowledge.

At Grupo Álava we have decided to launch the Overfly Initiative, focused on promoting the knowledge of industrial technologies in society.

The initiative began to take shape in 2023, when the company held its Overfly Forum event on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.

During the event, the company gave around a hundred presentations, in addition to various demonstrations of innovative industrial technology. The participants in the event, who attended these presentations and demonstrations, conveyed their impressions to Grupo Álava, highlighting above all the informative work of the celebration, as well as the amount of multidisciplinary knowledge that the company and its partners offered to the attendees.

This feedback is in line with the commitment that the company has acquired with society throughout its five decades of existence, focused on taking increasingly broad steps to improve it. For this reason, the Álava Group has decided to create the Overfly Initiative to promote the increase of knowledge in the advanced technologies that are used within the field of industry, in its different sectors.

As part of the Overfly Initiative, Grupo Álava will give knowledge days to professionals from different sectors throughout the year. These will aim to train attendees in the different uses and benefits that these technologies can have in the industrial projects they develop in their companies.

The Overfly Initiative will have the resources and specialized personnel of all the companies of the Álava Group, as well as the contribution of technology and R+D+i centers, technology manufacturers and end users. They will all come together to contribute their knowledge and experience, as well as to improve their business networks

Those interested in participating in the conference will not have to pay any amount to participate, since they will be free events, dedicated to expanding their network of contacts and becoming better professionals in their respective sectors.

PODCAST "CON L DE LÓPEZ". EPISODE 4. Listening, networking, and analysis, by Mariano Escolar.
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