This Christmas Every Drop of Water Counts

About the Author: Carmo Guedes

13 December 2017

1 min of reading


This Christmas, every drop of water counts. Together, let's [...]


This Christmas, every drop of water counts. Together, let's turn an everyday act like drinking water into an extraordinary act.

700 million people do not have access to safe drinking water. That is almost as many people as live in the countries where we are working.

And, as our trajectory is full of challenges, this Christmas we have a monumental one: to collaborate in bringing drinking water to those most in need.

Through the AUARA project, a mineral water brand that invests 100% of its dividends in bringing drinking water to people who do not have it, and ONGAWA, a development NGO whose mission is to put technology at the service of human development in order to build a fairer and more caring society.

We are going to make you part of our challenge: the money we invest every year in the Christmas campaign for our customers, we are going to donate it entirely to a project that AUARA and ONGAWA have in Maluana (Mozambique) with the aim of improving access to water and sanitation to reduce the mortality and disease figures of the population, especially in children under 5 years old.

To know the project in detail you can download the - PDF - with all the information, click here.

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