We are present at IMIC - Industrial Maintenance Innovation Conference
25 May 2018
2 min of reading
Grupo Álava is present at the 2nd edition of IMIC, [...]
Grupo Álava is present at the 2nd edition of IMIC, which addresses the Industry 4.0 concept, where the contribution of intelligence to maintenance management is key.
Smart Maintenance/Predictive and other Manufacturing-related technologies that are currently trending will be the focus of the event.
At IMIC you will find several spaces for discussion in order to promote inter-sectorial relations and networking among the various actors.
Grupo Álava, as Silver Sponsor of the 2nd edition of IMIC
Grupo Álava will be present on May 28th with the lecture "Evolution of predictive maintenance in the advanced factory (Industry4.0)".within the "Smartization and Condition Monitoring " Theme - Conference Room in Pavilion 4.
13:30 - 13:45: Evolution of predictive maintenance in the advanced factory (Industry4.0)
José Fernández | CEO - ThingsO2
Francisco Ballesteros | Director - Preditec | Grupo Álava
The RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) technique establishes four possible strategies to mitigate the risks caused by the failure modes of critical assets. One of these options is predictive or condition-based maintenance, which is the priority option as long as there are monitorable parameters that, on the one hand, indicate the health of the machine with sufficient certainty and in advance, and on the other hand, their measurement and processing compensates the investment for the benefits obtained.
The progressive evolution of sensor technology and new trends in computing and wireless communications make possible a new scope of continuous monitoring, expanding the number of machines that can be monitored. Thus, by adding this information to other existing information in the same system and incorporating a specific diagnostic aid layer, it will be possible to increasingly reduce the number of hours spent on false positives and improve the quality and efficiency of diagnoses.
During the conference we will glimpse the future of predictive maintenance, machine analysis and diagnostics, their relationship with plant digitalization, and their impact on the long-term strategy of the advanced factory.