Detection of a high degree of moisture in a motor by measuring insulation resistance and polarization index
December 18, 2024
1 min of reading
Detection of a high degree of humidity in an engine by means of the [...]
Detection of a high degree of humidity in a motor by measuring the Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index in a motor of the cooling system of a solar thermal plant.
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Due to the climatic conditions and by means of insulation resistance and polarization index measurements, Preditec detected a high degree of surface frosting on one of the phases, which is characteristic of a high degree of humidity; this condition was finally detected in the junction box, which facilitated a certain degree of earth leakage on that phase and, therefore, prevented an unscheduled shutdown of the motor in question.
Case study created by:
Ángel Merino | Field Technician
Electrical Testing Dpt. | Preditec