Ultrasound detection in air. Economic benefits obtained by the application of this basic PdM technique.

About the Author: Carmo Guedes

10 December 2024

1 min of reading


Condition Based Preventive Maintenance (CbM or PdM) has been [...]


Condition Based Preventive Maintenance (Predictive or PdM) has proven to be of essential use within the RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) methodology.

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A survey carried out by Preditec-IRM during the First Spanish Forum on Preventive/Predictive Maintenance and Reliability on a sample of 200 companies using Predictive Maintenance showed that of the five most widespread techniques to be used in a correct PdM program (Vibration, Ultrasound, Thermography, Oil Analysis, MCA, and sensory inspection) only vibration is used in a large percentage of cases, the other techniques occupying a low percentage.

Best practices determine that in order to detect all possible failure modes that an asset may produce and thus anticipate total failure, it is necessary to use all the techniques available today, among which those mentioned above are the most widely used in PdM.

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Analysis of induction electric motors
Vibration analysis