Predictive maintenance applications in Industry 4.0
18 September 2018
1 min of reading
On October 23rd and 24th, MRA | Grupo [...]

Next October 23rd and 24th, MRA | Grupo Álava invites you to a free conference where we will show the new technologies related to PdM and its different applications in different sectors.
Many companies have been benefiting for some time from the savings and productivity improvements brought about by predictive maintenance (PdM) strategies. Therefore, we would like to present to you in this conference the technologies associated with condition-based maintenance that have evolved by increasing their performance and adopting more competitive prices.
How do I sign up?
Very easy, if you want to learn about new technologies related to PdM and their different applications for your sector, as well as the potential savings derived from them, you can't miss it. Select the date and complete a short registration form in less than 3 minutes.
*You are redirected to the Álava Ingenieros website.
We are waiting for you!